2012年8月11日 星期六

canoe song lyrics

Morgan taught me canoe song lyrics
A boy and a Gril
A boy and girl in a little canoe
when the moon was shining all around
And as he applied his paddle,
You couldn't even hear a sound.
Well, they talked and they talked
'til the moon grew dim.
He said, "You better kis me
or get out and swim.
So, what you gonna do. in a little canoe when the moon is shining all around?
A boy and a girl in a little canoe
when the moon was shining all around
And as he applied his paddle,
You couldn't even hear a sound.
Well, they talked and they talked
'til the moon grew dim.
He said, "You better kiss me
or get out and swim.
 So, what you gonna do, in a little canoe
when the moon is shining all a-
boats are floating all a-,
boats are floating all a-,
girls are swimming all around?
oh, yeah?( blow a kiss)

2012年8月7日 星期二

The Best Friends in AU, American

Thank you all of you^^~
I got so much wonderful things form you~
mohsine_o    Mohsine  
 margan_o   margan_b  
  kristie_o   Kristie
 larrisa_o     larrisa_1  
 davida_o     Davida  
 Jenii_o     Jenii_1  
 sammi_0 sammi_3

2012年8月6日 星期一



This site posts EFL/ESL articles, materials, teaching strategies and relevant information used by the blogger in his profession as a seasoned professional ESL instructor.




[學第二語言,以英文抱怨,以英文討論,以英文表達, Amyao, ESL, ESL ADVOCATE, FREE]

2012年8月1日 星期三

英文單字遊戲[Charades]-English words game

Morgan準備了一些單字的小紙條,表演者抽一張只能用動作及表情來表示,不能出聲。尤其習慣了中文的比手劃腳,很擔心玩英文的版本會完全猜不出來,所以很認真看著Morgan示範;Morgan老師很可愛,表演[emergency] 時,表情很逼真,比我們還愛演。...有時學語文要玩點遊戲,不僅有趣且更有印象。 

God bless you.When someon sneezes ..美國人打噴嚏常說God bless you

美國天氣變化大,常會有人打噴嚏,只要一有人[哈啾],就會有人接著說:[God bless you!],這是什麼原因呢?
一個朋友說:這是因為常一個人打噴嚏時,心臟會停止跳動一秒,所以希望你能好好保重,所以誁[God bless you]
在古時候,人類認為打噴嚏是靈魂要從身體出去的意思,而惡魔就會趁機而入,所以用[God bless you]來保佑保佑;在不同國家對打噴嚏有不同反應。
例如:古羅馬時期,有人打噴嚏,別人會說["Jupiter preserve you" 或 "Salve" ]這代表祝你身體健康;
在阿拉伯,會說["Alhamdulillah" ],代表真神阿拉保護你
在中國,會說[bai sui" ],代表可以活一百年(以音翻譯可能是百歲的意思,這讓我很懷欵這個論點)

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