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歡迎登陸(奉茶),在這分享:數位學習,網路行銷,教育訓練,學習策略,教育部數位學習認證,MOOCs,數位教材製作,即時即錄系統,電子書APP等議題~by 姚佩吟Amyao
Welcome to Bhutan.歡迎來到不丹huan ying lai tao pu tan | click to listen |
My name is Nidup. 我的名字叫Nidup wo te ming tzu chiao | click to listen |
I am your guide. 我是你們的導遊 wo shih ni men te tao yu | click to listen |
Now we will go to Thimphu, the capital city of Bhutan. 現在我們要去 Thimphu, 是不丹的首都 hsien tsai wo men yao Thimphu, shih pu tan te shou tou | click to listen |
It will take 1:30 mints to reach there 我們會花一個半小時到達那兒 wo men kuai hua yi ko pan hsiao shih tao ta na erh | click to listen |
Name of this place is call Paro, is only internationaal airport in Bhutan. 這個地方叫Paro, 是Bhutan唯一的國際機場 che ko ti fang chiao Paro, shih Bhutan wei yi te kuo chi chi chang | click to listen |
The altitude over here is 2280m about the sea able. 這兒海拔是2280m che erh hai pa shih 2280m | click to listen |